Luther Burbank Savings
Luther Burbank Savings
1050 Fourth Street
San Rafael CA 94901
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Luther Burbank is a name to be proud of.
Luther Burbank lived and worked in Santa Rosa, California. During his life, he introduced over 800 varieties of plants and hundreds of ornamental flowers including the Shasta daisy. His Russet Burbank Potato is still the most widely cultivated potato in the United States.
Luther Burbank was a visionary.
Luther Burbank Savings honors his legacy and his vision. We operate with a simple and conservative business plan designed to safeguard assets and serve the public. Luther Burbank Savings was founded in 1983 as a privately owned bank and our responsibilities are to our customers, not public stockholders. Current assets have reached $3.3 billion,and profits have been posted for 300 consecutive months.
Our logo, the Shasta daisy, is a symbol of growth and renewal. Luther Burbank Savings specializes in traditional real estate loans on all types of property, funded with local deposits. We have never adopted alternative products such as sub-prime loans. An emphasis is placed on operational excellence and high standards of business ethics. Luther Burbank Savings ranks among the nation's most productive banks. Our efficiency allows us to offer high yields on Certificates of Deposit, Money Market and Checking accounts.
Superior Customer Service, Consistent Profitability, Strong Capital ...
Banking the Way It Used to Be!
© 2009 Luther Burbank Savings | REV2009LBS